Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Obama has demonstrated to have no concept of what capitalism is. In his zeal to seize control of government and the working class, he has created a financial disaster in this country.
He continues to blame others for the financial crisis in this country. He has almost doubled the Federal deficit from the Bush $800,000,000,000 deficit of 2008 in only 2 years of office.
He continues to believe that government should be the main driver of the economy and the main provider of jobs when, in reality, the private sector is the one that should be creating jobs.
This should be accomplished by decreasing regulations on industry and corporations, reducing corporate taxes, reforming the tax codes, expanding and easing permiting on oil exploration,
repealing Obamacare and trimming government spending and expansion
Cut, cap and balance was passed by the House and unfortunately was voted down by the Dems in the Senate. This bill could have prevented the downgrading of our bonds and brought some sense of stability to our economy
Politicians need to continue working ASAP to solve this economic mess our country is in

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